Bees in Texas | Beeline Pest Control

Call Beeline Pest Control today to assess the size and growth of your wasp infestation. We will work quickly and safely to return your home back to a wasp-free zone.
- Check areas where nests can be built. Prevent them from building larger nests by removing small nests at first sight.
- Put a light in spaces where wasps like to gather and keep it on during the day. This will scare them away from that area.
- Make sure to seal off any area where wasps nest, cover all soffits.
Questions that People Most Frequently Ask Us
Take a look at some of the typical questions that pop up in the minds of our clients
Where do bees live?
Bees typically live in hives or nests. Hives are usually made of wax, and they can house up to 60,000 bees. Nests are usually made of chewed-up plant material, and they’re smaller than hives. Bees will also sometimes live in abandoned animal burrows.
How long do bees live?
The average lifespan of a bee is about six weeks. However, the queen bee can live for up to five years. Worker bees typically die off after their first year because of the demanding nature of their work. Drones usually only live for a few months, and they are often killed by other bees when they’re no longer needed.
What should I do if I’m stung by a bee?
If you’re stung by a bee, the first thing you should do is remove the stinger. You can do this by scraping it off with your fingernail or using tweezers. Once the stinger is removed, wash the area with soap and water. You may also want to apply a cold compress to reduce swelling.
How do I stop bees from getting in my home?
Make sure that all of your screens are in good repair and that there are no holes or gaps. You should also keep an eye out for any signs of bees near your doors and windows. If you see a bee hive or nest on your property, it’s best to contact a pest control professional for help.
Are all bees male?
No, bees are not all male. There are three types of bees in a hive: the queen, the worker bee, and the drone. The queen is the only reproductive female bee in the hive, and she is responsible for laying eggs. The worker bees are all sterile females, and they do the majority of work in the hive. The drone bees are males, and their only purpose is to mate with the queen.
Where do bees go during the winter?
Bees generally don’t survive the winter, but the queen bee will hibernate during this time. The rest of the bees in the hive will die off, and their bodies will be used to feed the queen. When spring arrives, the queen will come out of hibernation and start building a new hive.
Can bees sting more than once?
Yes, bees can sting more than once. When a bee stings someone or something, their stinger becomes detached from their body and they die. But this doesn’t mean that the bee can’t sting again. A bee that has lost its stinger can still sting by using its venom sac, which is located near the stinger.
Can bees nest in the ground?
Yes, there are some bees that nest in the ground. They usually build their nests in abandoned animal burrows or holes in trees. If you have a bee infestation, you may see bees coming and going from a hole in the ground. Ground nesting bees are typically solitary bees, and they’re not as aggressive as honey bees.
how do I know if I should do something to get rid of bees at my home or business?
If you see a bee or two around your property, it’s not cause for alarm. But if you start seeing bees on a regular basis, or if you see a large number of bees in one area, it could be an indication that there’s a bee infestation. Other signs of a bee infestation include hearing buzzing noises coming from walls or seeing bees flying in and out of an opening.
What is the difference between a bee and a honey bee?
Bees are a type of flying insect that is closely related to wasps and ants. There are more than 20,000 different species of bees in the world. Honey bees are just one type of bee, and they are known for their ability to produce honey. Bees are important pollinators, and play a key role in the ecosystem.