Bed Bugs
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What are bed bugs?

Bed bugs are small, flat, oval-shaped, parasitic insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They range from 1 to 7 mm in size, about the size of a small ant. Their bodies are covered in short, fine hair. They are wingless, so they cannot fly; however, they can move quickly over floors, walls, and ceilings. They also cannot jump but are excellent climbers.
Bed bugs have six legs and two antennae. They are brown, but they turn red after feeding on blood. Male and female bed bugs are about the same size, but the males have a pointed abdomen while the females have a more rounded one.
Female bed bugs lay between 1 and 5 eggs per day and can lay up to 500 eggs over their lifetime. The eggs are white and about 1 mm in size. They hatch within 6 to 10 days and the nymphs (young bed bugs) begin feeding immediately.
Nymphs go through 5 molts (shedding their skin) before reaching adulthood. This process takes about 35 days under ideal conditions (a temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit).
Adult bed bugs can live for several months without feeding. However, they will die within a few days if their temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit or if it goes above 113 degrees Fahrenheit.
Bed bugs are not known to transmit any diseases, but their bites can be painful and cause itching and irritation. They are most active at night and typically bite people while they are sleeping.
Where do bed bugs live and hide?

Bed bugs typically reside in mattresses, bed frames, headboards, and other furniture that is close to where people sleep. They typically hide in cracks and crevices, such as along the seam of the mattress or box springs, or cracks in the headboards or baseboards. You can find bed bugs in electrical outlets, picture frames, and behind wallpaper. They can also be found in cracks and crevices in walls, floors, and ceilings.
Bed bugs are often found in hotels, apartments, and other places where people congregate. They can be transported from one location to another on clothing, luggage, or furniture.
Common Questions about Bed Bugs?
Where do bed bugs come from?
Bed bugs are believed to have originated in the Middle East and were brought to the United States by early settlers. They have been found in every state in the country, but they are most commonly found in urban areas.

How long do bed bugs live?
The lifespan of a bedbug depends on several factors, including temperature and access to food. Under ideal conditions, they can live for up to one year.
what are bed bugs attracted to?
Bed bugs are attracted to their hosts by body heat and the carbon dioxide that they produce. They are also attracted to the smell of blood.

What do bed bugs eat?
Bed bugs tend to feed on the blood of humans and animals. A single bed bug can consume up to eight times its weight in blood.
Where are bed bugs found?
Bed bugs are most commonly found in urban areas. However, they can be found in any type of dwelling, including single-family homes, apartments, hotel rooms, cruise ships, and college dormitories.

Where do bed bugs lay eggs?
Bed bugs lay their eggs in cracks and crevices, such as mattresses, box springs, headboards, and baseboards. Bed bugs typically lay their eggs in the evening. They can lay up to 500 eggs over their lifetime.
Why do bed bugs keep coming back?

Bed bugs are excellent hitchhikers and can easily spread from one place to another. They can be transported on clothing, luggage, furniture, bed sheets, or even on your body. Once they arrive in a new location, they will quickly begin to reproduce.
It is important to treat the entire structure after finding bed bugs because they most likely will travel to nearby rooms.
What happens when someone is bitten by a bed bug?

When bed bugs feed, they inject their saliva into their host. This saliva contains chemicals that prevent the blood from clotting. As a result, bed bugs are often found near areas where they have fed, as there may be small amounts of blood present.
Bed bug bites usually occur on exposed areas of the body, such as the face, neck, arms, and hands. However, they can also bite people on other parts of the body that are not covered by clothing.
what do bed bug bites look like?

Most people who are bitten by bed bugs will have red, itchy welts on their skin. These welts are usually in a line or cluster, and they may be accompanied by swelling.
Some people may also experience an allergic reaction to bed bug bites, which can cause additional symptoms such as hives, difficulty breathing, and swelling of the face, lips, and tongue.
Many people who are bitten by bed bugs report that the bites itch. However, not everyone will experience this symptom.
where and when do bed bugs usually bite?

Some people are more likely to be bitten than others. This may be because they have more exposed skin, or because they are more attractive to them for some reason. It is thought that bed bugs may be more likely to bite people who are overweight or have diabetes.
Bed bugs will normally bite at night when people are sleeping. However, they can also bite during the day if they are disturbed or if they are looking for a new host. They can bite through clothes, although they are more likely to bite exposed skin.
Are bed bug bites dangerous?

Their bites can cause an allergic reaction in some people. This can lead to symptoms such as swelling, redness, and itchiness at the site of the bite. In rare cases, people may have a more severe allergic reaction, called anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis can cause difficulty breathing, chest pain, and low blood pressure. If you experience any of these symptoms after being bitten by a bed bug, seek medical attention immediately.
How do you prevent bed bugs?

There are a few things you can do to prevent bed bug infestation in your home.
1) Be sure to regularly vacuum and clean your floors and carpets. This will help to remove any bed bugs that may be lurking in these areas.
2) Keep your bedroom clean and clutter-free. This will make it harder for bed bugs to hide and breed.
3) Avoid secondhand furniture and clothing. These items may be infested with bed bugs, and you don’t want to bring them into your home. Especially avoid used mattresses as they are the most likely to have one of these hitching a ride to your home.
4) Inspect your hotel room before you settle in (see the next section). Look for any signs of bed bug infestation, and notify the staff immediately if you see anything suspicious.
5) When traveling, keep your luggage off of the floor and away from the bed. This will help to prevent bed bugs from hitching a ride home with you.
6) Avoid putting your purse, coat, or other personal items on the floor or on a bed. Bed bugs can easily climb onto these items and be transferred to your home.
7) Wash all of your clothes and bedding in hot water if you think you’ve been exposed to bed bugs. This will kill any that may be on your clothing.
8) Seal any cracks or crevices in your home. This will help to prevent bed bugs from entering your home.
9) Consider using a bed bug-proof mattress cover. This will create an extra barrier between you and any bed bugs that may be trying to get into your bed.
10) Call a professional exterminator if you think you have a bed bug infestation. They will be able to help you get rid of the bed bugs and prevent them from coming back.
What are the signs of bed bug infestations?

You should check for bed bugs whenever you have returned from a trip, or if you think you may have been exposed to them in some other way.
The most obvious sign of a bed bug infestation is the presence of bites on your body. These bites are usually red and itchy and occur in a line or cluster. Bed bugs typically bite people on the face, neck, arms, and hands. The tips below will hopefully help you avoid getting bed bugs in the first place, but if you think you may already have them, these are the signs to look for.
In addition, these tips can be used for checking your hotel room for bed bugs before you settle in for the night.
1. Look for rust-colored or reddish stains on sheets and mattresses. These may be blood stains from crushed bedbugs.
2. Check for small, dark spots on sheets and mattresses. These can be bedbug feces or accidentally smashed bugs and can be a sign of an infestation.
3. Inspect the mattress seams and tufts for bedbugs.
4. Look for bedbugs in cracks and crevices in the headboard, bed frame, and furniture around the room.
5. Use a flashlight to look under the bed and in other dark areas for bedbugs.
6. If you think you see a bedbug, capture it in a jar or plastic bag for identification.
7. To avoid bringing bed bugs home, check for signs in your luggage after returning from a trip, before you go inside your home.
8. Inspect used furniture before bringing it into your home.
9. If you suspect bedbugs, do not sleep in that bed or room until it has been treated.
10. Reduce the clutter in your home to make it easier to spot bedbugs.
If you think you may have bedbugs, contact a professional exterminator to have your home inspected and treated. Do not try to treat an infestation yourself, as this can make the problem worse. Pest control companies are able to inspect your home and determine if you have a bed bug infestation.
What to do if you have bed bugs

If you think you have bed bugs, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them.
Try using heat treatment. You can either use a clothes dryer on high heat or a steamer. If you have a lot of bugs, it might be best to use a commercial-grade steamer. Be sure to steam all of your fabric furniture, including couches and chairs. This will kill any bed bugs that are hiding in these items.
You can also use chemicals to get rid of bed bugs. There are a few different pesticides that are effective against bed bugs. Be sure to read the labels carefully and follow the directions exactly. You may need to apply the pesticide more than once to get rid of all the bugs.
You can try and vacuum them up. Use a strong vacuum with a hose attachment to suck up any bugs you can find. Be sure to empty the vacuum bag into a trash bag and seal it tightly so the bugs don’t escape.
You may also need to throw out some of your belongings if they are infested with bed bugs. This includes mattresses, box springs, bed frames, and any other furniture that may be infested. You should also wash all of your bedding in hot water to kill any bugs or eggs that may be hiding there.
Getting rid of bed bugs can be difficult. It may take several treatments with heat, chemicals, or vacuuming to get rid of all the bugs.
In order to find bed bugs and treat them, you will most likely need a professional pest control company. They can use all of these treatments in getting rid of bed bugs in your home.

Will bed bugs go away on their own?
If you have a small number of bed bugs, you may be able to get rid of them yourself. But if you have a lot of bed bugs, it’s best to call a professional pest control company. They will have the right equipment and pesticides to get rid of the bugs. They will also be able to treat your home to prevent the bugs from coming back.
How hard is it to get rid of bed bugs?
It can be difficult to get rid of bed bugs. They are good at hiding and can be hard to find. If you attempt to remove them yourself, you may only get rid of a few. It’s best to call a professional if you have a serious problem.

How do you get rid of Bedbugs in your luggage?
If you think you have bed bugs in your luggage, there are a few things you can do.
First, don’t bring your luggage into your home. This will prevent the bugs from getting into your furniture and bedding.
Second, wash all of your clothes in hot water and run them through the dryer on high heat. This will kill any bed bugs that are in your clothes.
Finally, vacuum your luggage and seal it in a plastic bag. If possible, put it in the freezer as well. This will help to prevent the bugs from getting out and infesting your home.
What does it cost to treat bed bugs?

The cost of treating bed bugs can vary depending on the severity of the infestation and the size of the area that is affected. Treatment can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. The most effective way to get rid of bed bugs is to hire a professional exterminator. Exterminators will typically charge by the hour, and the cost of treatment will depend on the size of the area that needs to be treated.
Bed bugs are a serious problem, and if you think you may have an infestation, it is important to get rid of them as soon as possible. Not treating them soon enough could end up costing even more money. If you have an infestation of bed bugs, it is important to get rid of them quickly to avoid the spread of the infestation and to prevent them from causing further damage to your home. Treatment for bed bugs can be expensive, but it is worth it to get rid of these pests as soon as possible.
Questions that People Most Frequently Ask Us
Take a look at some of the typical questions that pop up in the minds of our clients
How long do bed bugs live?
Adult bed bugs can live for up to 18 months without feeding. This means that they can survive even if you think you’ve gotten rid of them.
Should I throw out my mattress if I have bed bugs?
No. You don’t need to throw out your mattress if you have bed bugs. A pest control professional will be able to treat your mattress and get rid of the infestation.
Where do bed bugs live?
Bed bugs can live anywhere in your home, but they’re most often found in beds, sofas, and chairs. They can also be found in cracks and crevices in walls or floors. If you think you have bed bugs, it’s important to inspect your entire home for signs of an infestation.
Are bed bugs hard to get rid of?
Yes. Bed bugs are difficult to get rid of because they’re experts at hiding. They can also live for several months without feeding, so they can survive even if you think you’ve gotten rid of them. If you think you have bed bugs, it’s best to call a pest control professional.
What are bed bugs attracted to?
Bed bugs are most attracted to warmth, blood, and carbon dioxide. They often congregate near where people sleep so they can have easy access to food.
Do you get bed bugs because your home/office is dirty?
No. Bed bugs are not attracted to dirt or grime and can be found in both clean and messy homes. They’re attracted to warmth, blood, and carbon dioxide, so they often congregate near where people sleep.
How do I know if I’ve been bitten by bed bugs?
Bed bug bites usually appear as small, red bumps on the skin. They’re often found in a line or cluster, and they can be itchy and painful. If you think you’ve been bitten by bed bugs, it’s important to inspect your bedding for other signs of bed bugs.
What do bed bugs look like?
Adult bed bugs are small, brown, and flat. They’re about the size of an apple seed, and they can vary in color from light brown to almost black. Bed bug nymphs (juveniles) are smaller than adults and are typically white or pale in color.
How do I know if I have a bed bug infestation?
One of the most common signs of a bed bug infestation is finding small red bites on your skin. If you notice bites on your skin, it’s important to inspect your bedding for other signs of bed bugs. Another sign of an infestation is finding small, dark spots on your sheets or mattress. These spots are bedbug feces, and they’re a good indicator that there are bedbugs present.